
Be nice or get out.
I bite =)


24 September 1989

Talk to me

Me love

Carrie Heng
Ella (lj)
Ella (shutterfly)
Eric (su)
Eu Jin
Hwee Siang
James (bro)
Janice (phantos)
Ken (su)
Kit Yee
Lin Quan
Matthew F1
Mou =)
Ru Hui
Sheng Long
Siau Tian
Siew Mei (muiz)
Wai Loon
Wan Yu
Wei Lun
Yeong Yih
YQ (phantos)


Xia Xue
Belinda Chee

Long long time ago

September 2008
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January 2011
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April 2011
November 2011

Layout: YourMama
Image: Deviantart
Host: Imageshack, Blogskins

Friday, January 14, 2011
Isn't life's always a bitch?
The boy called.
We talked for practically half an hour.
Kinda long for our record eversince his bush trip to Townsville.

I think things are definitely getting better btw us.
Like we understand each other more.
He said he was glad for smtg I did as well.
Which I'm glad I did what I did.
Like, he ditched me once to hang out with his friends,
but he said he'd make it up to me with Harbour Town.
I didn't really wanna go but I appreaciate the effort though.
So I just ended up watching a movie with H.
I didn't give him a bad time though and apparently he was realllly happy with that.
I guess being understanding scores?

I don't really get why.
How can I be sooo patient around him when I'm not really known for being patient.
It's like he brings out the best in me.
It sounds cliche but really.
I've never really been sooo patient and all even to HY.
With HY I'd be upset but I won't really say but I AM upset at the end of the day.
I guess I've learnt to view things form a diff point of view I guess..

I still deny that I'm in love with the boy though.
Love is too strong a word for anything currently.

But yes,
I'm happy.

Yes, I think he's great at sweet talking and complimenting me.
But yeah, sometimes I guess he really mean it..
Okay probably most of the time?
I wonder when will he start seeing the numerous flaws I have.

And I'm gonna get my another dose of Bruno Mars.

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Isn't life's always a bitch?
It's funny how my whole day was pretty alright.
But his called just makes everything lights up.
Okay I'm exagerating.

But it was indeed pretty mundane until he called.
He made me watch all the boxing and sparring vids again from utube.
Like he made us press play together.

It was nice that he noticed I never text or call.
AT least it meant that it worked.
He was like were u busy SMOOCHING or FLIRTING??
And he made me text him at least 3 times a day.

Tracy was complaining that she's getting too much of Shane now that she's seeing him everyday.
She's staying at their place cause she have to evacuate as well.
I wonder how will it be like if I stay over there.
Will I be sick of Kris? or the other way round?
Will we be even closer?
Or this short break makes us miss each other more?

He was already saying that we haven't seen each other for ages when actually it's just a few days.
When I was in uni we only see each other once a week.
But yeah..

I miss sleeping beside the boy.

I know I sounds like I'm goddamn in love,
but actually not really la..

I believe it's still called the infatuation stage.
Aside from the flood there's no highlights in my current life.
The hottest thing I can find is the boy's biceps and abs.
Probably butt too but okay,
that's why I'm stuck with this topic.

It's just amazing how he can boost my ego up and make me feel as if I'm really that perfect.
I am not.
I am filled with numerous flaws but yet he managed to make me forget everyone of it when I'm around him.
Probably that's the thing I like most about him.

It's nights where I indulge myself with my dose of Bruno Mars - Just the way you are.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Isn't life's always a bitch?
I can't believe it!!
We're like struck by natural disaster.
Manors level 1 was gone by the time we evacuate.
It was sooo drama.
There were rescue boats and all.

January 11.
Should never forget that date man..

Well, everything is alright except that the new stuff from Isaac is all submerged in water,
and two person that I'd expect to be concerned never even asked how's my situation is like.
Mom, and the bf.
Just a little disappointed..

Thanks for everyone else's concern :)
Really nice of u guys.
Especially my dear gfs.

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Isn't life's always a bitch?
Love is INDEED a strong word.
So, he WAS joking.
I think out of 100%, I'd say my disappointment level was just a 5% sting.
Despite I smiled when I see it,
a part of me just know that he WAS joking.

So 2011 IS here.
I started 2011 with a feast.
1 Jan 2011,
I cooked a 3 course meal, plus a soup.
Everyone seemed to like it so I assume it was a success.
Well, at least I'm getting better at something.

Last year,
at this time,
I was homeless.
Headache with all the crap going on.
In about 10 days,
It's your birthday again.
This year,
I'm not having that heartache feeling anymore.

Grandpa wished me yesterday.
I wish everything is back to how it started.
I'll definitely do better.
I can't ask for more.
It's better than nothing.
At least he's talking to me.
I love you, grandpa.

let's all cheer to 2011 with loud moans and groans.